Frequently Asked Question

How can i use the Adobe Creative Cloud applications?
Last Updated 4 years ago

With the Adobe Creative Cloud we can use more than 20 popular Adobe applications (Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop etc). The software is licensed by logging in with the campus account. The programs can be installed on multiple computers, including private usage. Simultaneous usage is however limited to two computers. Some Adobe apps are also available for smartphones.


To use products from Adobe such as Acrobat, Photoshop and others, you have to install the 
Adobe Creative Cloud client. The installation file for your specific system can be found on the
Software-Share on "titania".

How to access titania can be found here.

After having the client installed, start the Adobe Creative Cloud client.


After opening the client, following window will popup at the first start.

- Type your university email address (usually and next / Weiter


- The password asked is the same you use for your campus / email  account.


- When asked to stay logged in, click yes / ja. Although it may take some time to proceed, make sure to only click once! Otherwise you will have to start over.


- Sometimes the client performs some updates at the first login. As soon, those are finished, 
  a window will show all available applications to install.


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